
Closing Strategy in India


Closing down a dead operation is usually not a pleasing task for a local accountant. Vjm & Associates see it with a different view. We offer our clients a close down team that specializes in this work.


It is inevitable that some companies move into liquidation. The process of liquidation is elongated & also requires high levels of statutory compliance. It involves various complicated, country-specific regulatory norms. VJM & Associates cannot be the liquidator but we liaise with and support the liquidator by providing him with key historical accounting information.


Closing down a foreign entity generally provokes a tax and value added tax investigation. Company resistance therefore needs to be watertight. Vjm & Associates cessation team ensures, this is the case and works with regulators to ensure their satisfaction and withdraw any objections to a shutdown.

What VJM & Associates Offers

VJM & Associates provides an integrated one point of contact solution to better protect you and your company. By using us, you can rest ensured that finance and administration support to your foreign operations is provided efficiently & effectively and you operate safely abroad. We are an independent self-sustaining provider of services with no links to, or investments in us, by sensitive third-parties such as your bank!

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V J M & Associates LLP

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