
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy in Civil Aviation
CA. Kapil Mittal

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy in Civil Aviation

India’s civil aviation sector has undergone significant transformation in recent years, fueled by liberalization measures and strategic policy interventions. India’s air travel industry has changed a lot lately because of new rules and government decisions. One big part of this change is how foreign companies can invest in Indian airlines. This policy is really important for how the industry grows. 

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Permanent Establishment
Direct Taxation
CA. Kapil Mittal

Mere establishment of Subsidiary in India does not tantamount to Having Permanent Establishment in India

The Assessee is a company based out in Austria. The Assessee is having a Subsidiary Company in India. The Appellant has received software-related services income during the year. Apart, The Company also received reimbursement of expenses from Indian Subsidiary. However, the Company claimed the same as exempted Income as expenses are recovered on cost to cost basis without any markup. Further, the Company also supplied goods to Indian Entities on a principal to principal basis. The Ld. AO Charged Income tax on reimbursement of expense claiming that such income pertains to technical income provided to Indian subsidiary. Further, AO assumed that entire sales in India are made through Indian Subsidiaries. The Asseesee has a fixed place of business in India in the form of Indian Subsidiary. The ‘core business’ of the assessee is conducted through Mosdofer India Private Limited. Therefore, profit attributable to such PE is taxable in India.

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RBI issued circular
Business Advisory & Consulting
CA. Kapil Mittal

RBI issued circular on regulation of Payment Aggregator-Cross Border

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a detailed circular on the regulation of Payment Aggregator-Cross Border (PA-CB) vide RBI/2023-24/80 CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S-786/02-14-008/ 2023-24 dated 31st October, 2023. Processing of payment or receipts transactions in cross-border transactions is not something an Individual entity can do itself. All these facilities are provided by Payment Aggregator through Payment gateways.

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
CA. Kapil Mittal

Procedure of obtaining Government approval for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Foreign Direct Investment means any investment made by a person resident outside in Indian Companies through equity instruments or in LLPs through capital contribution. When India is in the direction of becoming a developed country, interest of persons resident outside India is increasing substantially in Indian Entities. As the foreign funding is increasing, the regulation by the Central Government is also increasing on FDIs.

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All about Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Number
CA. Kapil Mittal

All about Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Number

Inter-country transactions have increased drastically and entities across the countries are dealing with each other. In such a case, every country has its own method of identification of any entity such as India having PAN and CIN. However, when it comes to global transactions, the international regulatory bodies are facing the issue of identification of entities in absence of any unique identification number. 

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non-resident without obtaining PAN
CA. Kapil Mittal

Form 10F filing by non-resident without obtaining PAN

Form 10F is required to be filed by non-residents for claiming benefit of Double Taxable Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) so that they can get income without deduction of TDS in India. Recently, Non-residents were facing a major dilemma of obtaining PAN for filing of Form 10F on Income Tax portal.

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