RoC Imposed Huge Penalties for Failure to Furnish Copy of Resolution with the RoC in form MGT-14 18/03/2025
ITAT Analysis Principal Purpose Test (PPT) and Allowed the Benefit of the India-Luxembourg Tax Treaty 18/03/2025
Points to be taken care of before the end of Financial Year 2024-25, i.e., 31st March 2025| Part-2 18/03/2025
Points To Be Taken Care of Before End of Financial Year 2024-25, i.e., 31st March, 2025| Part-1 11/03/2025
RBI Amended FEMA Regulations to encourage use of Indian Rupee or National Currencies for Settlement of Cross Border Transactions 11/03/2025
High Court Set Aside Order as SCN was Uploaded on GST Portal only and not Served Through RPAD 04/03/2025